Blog for Talbot's - a boarding house at Bedford School

Friday, 20 September 2013

Housemaster's Thoughts - September Exeat 2013

Well we made it! It is funny to think that less than three weeks ago, the house was set to receive 20 new boys, new houseparents and new tutors. As we go into the exeat, Talbot's is looking like a cohesive unit and has been a vibrant and happy place to be around. That is down to the excellent welcome extended by the existing boys and our outstanding staff. We salute all 65 extended members of the family old and new for their efforts in shaping the start of what hopes to be another cracking year for the house.

My personal highlight has been the Friday celebrations of all the good things happening in the house. The options' top bloke award has been a great addition and the housemaster's man of the week almost impossibly hard to judge. Whilst it has been excellent to have already celebrated a US study scholarship, a school record, school colours, rugby success and sports day triumphs, the thing I love about the values of the house is that there is often a much louder cheer for the boy moved from the D team to the C team or who unexpectedly got the most merits then the more visible school successes.

Another treat was eating the produce made by matron's baking club last Saturday evening. The boys loved it and had lots of ideas for what they would like to bake next. As far as I'm concerned, all of them can be cooked next week  if the scones they made are anything to go by!!!

House singing is fast improving and Karan Gupta has started drilling the troops well with James Mctavish from the day house who will play the piano this year. Mr Rooke has also brought some outstanding vision and energy to our entry. Hopes are high...

Before half term, as well as the house singing, there will be a trip to Northampton to watch rugby, the house committee will meet , Shlomo visits the theatre and the orchard produce will be put to good use whilst in school the clutch will be pressed and top gear engaged.

Do keep following the action on here and twitter.


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