Blog for Talbot's - a boarding house at Bedford School

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Florider trip 2016

Tonight we had our first whole house outing this year to the florider complex at twinwoods, near Bedford. The boys got to choose their activities from the surf simulator (the florider), climbing, a racing simulator and shooting/archery. This meant everyone got to do activities they were keen on or could chill out in the cafe if they preferred. As ever, the atmosphere in the house feels a lot tighter from having spent a fun evening together and more barriers were broken down and friendships made.

The video below shows some of the photos taken by the boys on the house camera tonight:

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Sports Day 2016 #TalbotsTV


Thursday, 22 September 2016

Bowling Trip

We had a great evening last night joining up with St Peter's Day House for a bowling trip with the fourths and removes. Lots of fun, lots of food and a great chance to get to know one another a little bit better.


Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Ickwell Day

On Sunday we had our annual trip to Ickwell with the boys and as promised, here are the photos. As usual, the day started out with some football games:


A couple of the boys got into some shelter building.

Ruslan won the steak cooking competition, but was closely rivalled by Tizian and Arthur. 

Some of the boys prefer chess, and card games. 

Whilst others got creative with carving and building a swing, and general weaponry.

Obviously, we roasted marshmallows too.  

And then had to burn off the sugar rush with some American style football: