Blog for Talbot's - a boarding house at Bedford School

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Talbots House Book Swap

This term sees the introduction of our new book swap initiative!

We know you all work so hard at school and sometimes it can feel like there is a lot of reading to do (particularly for senior boys!) but we want to encourage you to relax and rediscover reading for pleasure during your time with us. With that in mind we are collecting some of our favourite fiction books to be stored in the book swap shelves on first floor of 27 side.

We'd like to encourage you to grab a book, write your name in the cover and read it. When you are done, return it. If you've read another excellent book that you'd like to donate, just write your name in the cover and add it to the shelves.

This way we can slowly build a record of who's read what, and if you're unsure whether a book is right for you, you can just ask another boy who has read it for a summary or review. It's a great way of sharing literature that you've enjoyed and discovering who in the house has similar tastes to yourself.

Whilst there are other bookshelves with books donated to the house, most of these are text books, or very old. Hopefully having one shelf designated to fiction that boys have recently enjoyed will make this area much more appealing to those who want to try something new.

If you have a favourite that you are not willing to donate, but you think would be a great addition to the book swap shelves, leave a comment or tweet it to us +Talbot's House #bookswap and we'll see if we can get hold of a copy.


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