Thursday, 27 February 2014
Miss Dimmock's Tutor Group Meal
On the last Thursday before the end of the half term, the tutor group went out in to town in order to celebrate what had been a hard half term's work coming to a close. The restaurant of choice was the Riverside Grill, which was narrowly more popular than Nando's when put to a vote. Personally, I am very glad we went to the Riverside Grill. It was a meat feast for the boys, everyone tried their very best to take down as much meat as they could. This was typified, I feel, by the Holroyd boys' platter, the platter's sheer size and variety proved a suitable challenge for the ravenous teenage hunger-pans. Naturally, as was the case with more or less all of the plates of food served to the group, the teenage hunger-pans outweighed the food, however the food went down fighting. In what can only be described as an absolute shocker (to quote Karan), a blunder occurred amongst the boys and a glass dropped from the table, the food no doubt preoccupying their minds and concentration momentarily lapsing. It gave a sharp edge to an otherwise amicable night, thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. Nando's may be our next destination; we might not be allowed back to the Riverside Grill having eaten all their food and smashed their glasses!
Michael Holroyd
Holroyd Lads leading the way |
Michael Holroyd
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