Blog for Talbot's - a boarding house at Bedford School

Saturday, 23 March 2019

Friday Celebration 23/3/19

It's been a very busy week with many midweek fixtures and concert playing alongside the start of GCSE exams. The house is buzzing, but there is some rest needed this weekend too. 
This week also saw the culmination of the two week tutor group challenge for most overall contributions to the house. In this one, Ms Thompson's group were the winners, owing much to Richard's prolific helpfulness to matrons and the house team.

Before that weekend rest comes we have the following in Saturday fixtures:

1st: Tom 
2nd: Dan U16B

1st:  Alikhan
3rd: Tizian

In merits, the following have been gained:
1: Makar, Felix, Brady, Moritz, Alikhan, Igor, Arthur
2: Dell, Roy, Sebastian, James, Jason, Oscar
3: Divine, Will, Tizian
4: Ruslan, Desmond
5: Arron
9: Richard

The tutor group with the most merits per person is:
Team Thompson

And quite clearly, therefore, Richard must be Man of the Week!


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