Forgive a small note of pride, but we are so lucky to have such fine men in our house. One of the strengths of boarding is the fact that you end up meeting and sharing life with people you never normally would otherwise. In a world where conflict and dogma dominates our headlines it is a pleasure to watch our lads hanging out together on a Friday night as we have done this evening intent only on relaxing and laughing together and celebrating each others' successes. After devouring enough pizza to sink a large ship and cheering on lads promoted from the D to the C team and filling out the 4th XI, we have a time when everyone purposely spend time with one another. On the table tennis table is boys of four different year groups from five different countries, sportsmen, musicians, creatives, academics (often all in one) pushing each other to be 'king' and rule the table amidst constant hilarity. Behind them three chaps, different years and nationality chill out playing pool whilst behind them boys from three different year groups and four different countries play another epic game of Fifa.
They are small things but it strikes me that these lads will leave with a much more global outlook than the generations that went before them and perhaps will be even better equipped to find solutions and make a difference across cultures...
Who knows, but what we do know is we are terrifically lucky to spend term time watching these amazing young men grow and develop. Our differences our are strength!
The Barn as it should be... |
Pizza time... |
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