Blog for Talbot's - a boarding house at Bedford School

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Wake boarding trip

On Monday night we had a great trip to Box End park to do kneeboarding and wakeboard img on their cable tow. It is a great venue with very friendly staff by the way!

The night didn't start do well as the glorious sunshine that had been around all day immediately turned into showers and heavy rain as soon as we got into the minibuses! A little rain has never stood in the way of the men of talbot's before though and again we pressed on undaunted. Fortunately the water was also pretty warm.

As we arrived it became pretty obvious that John and Leonard had done plenty before - they were the stars, as shown below:

TWR was also not too far behind them to be fair!!!

Those of us who were a bit more novice started on knee boards and many then progressed up standing on the boards. It is a great activity as everyone who was there can say they developed and had a lot of goes. Having a cafe on site to be used once everyone needed warming up a bit was an added bonus too!


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