Blog for Talbot's - a boarding house at Bedford School

Friday, 15 May 2015

Friday Celebration 15/5/15

This week has proven to be a quiet week during the day in the house as everyone is studying hard for their exams-much work is being done. When the weather has allowed it has been great to see large groups outside late afternoon playing football and relaxing.

This week has seen the reopening of the tuck shop. Alex G. Charles and Dan S. are at the helm have been busy stock taking and setting up.

The house photo has now arrived and as usual we are definately the best looking and best presented house in Bedford School!

This evening the week will close with a much deserved BBQ for everyone.

We reminded ourselves tonight of the best roller coaster riding efforts last weekend from Igor, Sasha.K and Alex.G

Tomorrow in sport Jack is captain for the 3rds in cricket at home against Oundle along with John on the team. Playing away against Oundle are Dom B. for the under 15 B team. George for the under 15 C's and Alex S. for the Colts A team.

Room of the week goes to room 10-well done Nihat and Ben.

Top bloke goes to Alex.G for his work in setting the tuck shop back up

Man of the week goes to Frank.H for his efforts in Athletics and his winning of 3 merits

Merits this week:

1: Dom.B, Charles, Charlie, Darren, Adrian

3: Frank.H


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