Blog for Talbot's - a boarding house at Bedford School

Monday, 1 July 2013

House Barbecue

The house barbecue was another memorable occasion.

The sun shone throughout and the spread was of the highest order. With well over 100 people in attendance, and the usual inflatable games and end of term banter, it made a great day in its own right.

However, it will be remembered as a sad occasion too. This was the time when Mr and Mrs Cassell gave their public goodbyes to the boys, parents and staff after their 12 years of excellent leadership of Talbot's.

It was fitting that a large number of OB's from the house attended to recognise their significant impact on both the house and their lives. They have been incredible servants to the house and Talbot's men past and present have much to thank them for. Mr Cassell gave a very well balanced speech given the emotion of the occasion and outgoing Head of House Ryan Chan presented the Cassells with gifts from the boys and staff in the house.

It was also an opportunity to say goodbye to Mr Rouse whose young family and ever increasing music commitments have meant he needs to step down to being a mere day tutor. He too will be missed by all of us.


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