Blog for Talbot's - a boarding house at Bedford School

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Gratitude for Talbot's

We surveyed all the boys in the house to say 1 thing they are grateful for and this has been turned into a poster for the house where the most said phrases appear larger. We think it reflects a house in a healthy place and that this has highlighted loads of the amazing things about being a man of Talbot's. Take a look:

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Friday Celebration 12/10/18

Lots has happened this week, especially in the field of music. There has been a choir trip and lots of hard practice for house singing.  This included our first rehearsal in the great hall with Mr Sanders watching. The musical highlight was the lunchtime concert where the part song performed and included Ben, James, Tizian and Arron's first ever public singing performance at school. Ben also sang a great piece from 'The Messiah' and Leo matched Arron with a wonderful first upper school singing performance.

Richard was one of the most successful players in the 1st team table tennis game this week. Nathan and Divine played well for the U16 basketball side. Last weekend Seb also raced at the national school ski championships.

Edwin also went to his LNAT test in Cambridge - inspirational stuff.

In Sports this Weekend

In the golf 1st team is M.

In rugby, Simon is our lone 5th team hero this week.  Will and Henry are in the U16a with Henry in as a starter and Will continuing as VC.  Divine is in the U16B.  In the U15s, Alex returns to action in the A’s, and Orlando and Roy go in the D team.  In the U14s Max is in the A’s, Leo in the Cs and Bertie maintains his role as our MVP in the U14E.

1: Alex, Michael, Joe, Jason, Tizian, Dan
2: Aslan, Dell, M, Seb, James, Marcus, Moritz, Edwin, Curtis, Stephen, Arthur 
3: Josh, Orlando, David, Ruslan, Desmond, Ben
4: Makar, Will, Divine
5: Arron - who is King of Merits

This week's Man of the Week was decided by house nominations and a vote:
In the running were:
Jason - really helping with prep
Dan - starting as a great mentor
Arron - 1st public singing
Edwin - LNAT exam efforts
Roy - helping with ACT preparation

However, Brady was by far and away the winner for all his amazing efforts supporting 4th formers with prep and being kind!

Saturday, 6 October 2018

Friday Celebration 05/10/18

It's been a really busy week with lots of great opportunities for boys to try new things or give their best in their commitments. 

In music, James and Marcus performed well in the lunchtime piano concert.  Plenty of lads also went to the Gilbert Lloyd lecture and Quarry Theater play Ion Thursday.

In sport, the might 5ths came close to a ridiculous 3rd win of the season with Brady and Moritz really putting their bodies on the line and Simon getting stuck in for the 4ths.  Divine also continued to electrify the U16B wing against Flested.  Will, Henry, and Max have had busy weeks playing for the U16 and U14A teams on both Tuesday and Friday--a very busy week overall!

In basketball, Divine and Nathan played well for the U16 win and Igor held the water polo team to a comfortable victory.

There was amazing house commitment shown by Roy, Alex, Edwin, and Tizian who also turned up last minute to perform very creditably in house debating.

This weekend Desmond makes his 2nd 1st team badminton appearance and is joined by Nathan.

In the 5ths we have Simon, Roy in the U15D.  Bertie received the biggest cheer of the week for his promotion to the U14E team!

This was also the first Friday celebration since our incredible 6th consecutive sports day win too--to say we have been gloating would be, well, accurate!

Merits (double roll-over due to Exeat last week)
1:  Divine, Tizian, Moritz
2: Max, Bertie, M, Brady, Oscar
3:  Seb, James, Curtis, Igor
4:  Jason, Ben, Niklas
5:  Dell, Will, David
6:  Alex
7:  Aslan
8:  Makar
9:  Desmond, who is King of Merits this week!

Top Bloke
Roy for being so helpful, gaining loads of merits, and stepping up brilliantly to fill in house debating last week.

Man of the Week
Felix who has gained loads of merits, been terrifically helpful to Ms Larson and Mrs Leicester, and had a fantastically tidy room.